Climbing in Zakrzówek Park

As we saw in the previous post Zakrzówek Park is located just a short distance from Kraków’s city center. It is a former limestone quarry that has been transformed into a natural reserve. The park is renowned for its crystal-clear lake, which was formed after the quarry was flooded. The cliffs surrounding the lake provide a perfect playground for climbers.

In the Crag you can find more information about all the crags in the area.

The bouldering traverse

In the park there is huge bouldering traverse that is used by local climbers for warmup or training. In our stay in the zone every morning I’d spend an hour in the wall.

It is huge with good resting points and you can climb without a crashpad.


Nice crag with few routes, in general slippery rocks. It takes some time to get used to.

Niski Mur

This crag offers some dry-tooling routes


This is far our favorite crag. The classical route is called Freney that I tried and managed to perform all movements but not to climb the route from the ground. I need to get stronger and get back. This project still opened.

The only issue here is that the park will get so full of people doing barbecue that it is almost impossible to climb. So best time to go is early in the morning to avoid the barbecue smoke and also the sun that will hit the crag strong in the afternoon.


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