Hello Again 🇪🇸

💸 Renting the road — AKA tolls

We don’t need to pay for an apartment but we must pay tolls 🤷🏻‍♂️.

Around 5 months ago when we entered Spain, we have crossed from north to south without paying any toll. Now going up to Santiago de Compostela and heading east, there are many. Still, nothing compared with Portugal or France.

🔒 Amazon locker again

Yep, this is a recurrent theme — back to Spain now we have this facility available but there is a catch 😂.

There are some lockers that for safety reasons they won’t keep your product there, so you go to the locker unlock with the code and find nothing — You need go to the front-door and ask about it. They will tell you the story, control your documents and give you the product.

Long story short, the locker itself is useless but the service is good. I think amazon can save some money here 💡

🏔 Picos de Europa

We were in Pinhão — Portugal when a guy and his mother approached us to pet our dog 🐶, they ended up being Brazilians. The guy is a rally co-driver he was here for a race that was cancelled and so they were traveling around, in the conversation he mention this place called Picos de Europa, that in his opinion was a place that we should not miss. Indeed!

Mirador De Valdeón

The place is beautiful also the road around the park is beautiful.

We started in Posada di Valdeón moving to Cavadoga crossing the Desfiladero de los Beyos. The path has only 60Km that will take you 1:30h to cross.

Cavadonga is full of beautiful spots, definitely worth visiting.

🚿 Buffones de Pria

Un bufón es una formación kárstica que consiste en un orificio vertical formado a pocos metros del borde de un acantilado de roca caliza y que inferiormente comunica con el mar. Cuando la marea sube y las olas baten con fuerza, expulsa hacia arriba un chorro de agua de mar pulverizada, lo que provoca un sonido característico que es lo que le da el nombre de bufón. La columna de agua pulverizada puede alcanzar más de 10 metros de altura y el bufido oírse a varios kilómetros.

It is a formation that consists of a vertical hole formed a few meters from the edge of a limestone cliff and that below communicates with the sea. When the sea rises and the waves beat strongly, it expels a spray of seawater upwards, which causes a characteristic sound

Bufones de Pría

In the day we visited, the sea was not that strong, but still the sound produced is incredible. This is something new for me that would have never imagined, maybe because I don’t know too much about the sea side 🤓, anyway I just love to be surprised by the nature !


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